Sunday, May 18, 2014

Avon Haul and First Impressions: Campaigns 9 & 10 2014

Note: I submit my Avon order every other campaign.  This means that I receive products from two campaigns at once, but half as often as the regular timetable.

Here's my most recent haul (another small one -- I think I'm getting better at this self-control stuff!)

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Avon Haul and First Impressions: Campaigns 7 & 8 2014

Note: I submit my Avon order every other campaign.  This means that I receive products from two campaigns at once, but half as often as the regular timetable.

I've been AWOL again, this time due to health issues in my immediate family.  Like I've said before, family first, Avon blog ... well, like fourth or so.  I hope you understand!

Here's what I ordered in C-7 & 8 ... plus a mini review on a late-arriving item from C-6: